a Window to Bhutan
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2004 Gallery

Faces from Pambisa Village, Paro

A selection of black & white portraits from my father's ancestral village.

Jan 2004

2003 Gallery

Laya and Lunana

Laya and Lunana in northern Bhutan covers a major part of Jigme Dorji National Park. The route also covers parts of the world famous Snowman Trek .

July 2003

White Bellied Herons (andrea insignis)

Globally threatened, and considered to be one of the 50 rarest birds in the world, a pair of nesting white bellied herons was discovered in Bhutan in early 2003. after the last on ein the 1920s in Burma.

May 18 2003

Punakha Dzong Ramney

The Consecration of Punthang Dewachenpoi Phodrang (the fortress of eternal Bliss) in Punakha.

May 15, 2003


CLICK HERE to view the 1999-2002 gallery

Some of my older work from with images from Bhutan and also other places

all images © thinley namgyel